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Current Status of the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention for Men* in Germany

28. September 2021

Protection of male victims of violence and implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Germany Current status

The Federal Coordination Office for the Protection of Male Victims of Violence has published its statement Protection of male victims of violence and implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Germany – Current status.

For the first time, the perspective of male victims of domestic violence in Germany is placed in the context of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention, IC).

The IC came into force in Germany on 1 February 2018; in its article one it calls for a holistic violence protection strategy, namely “design a comprehensive framework, policies and measures for the protection of and assistance to all victims of violence against women and domestic violence“.

This statement feeds into the reporting of the GREVIO Commission, a group of experts that monitors the implementation of IC by States Parties.

On the basis of the Federal Government’s State Report, other reports from NGOs, on-site visits and discussions with actors in the field of violence protection, the Commission evaluates the measures taken in the contracting states to implement the IC. It formulates recommendations that are intended to contribute to their improvement.

If implemented sufficiently, the IC is thus an effective instrument to effectively combat violence against women and domestic violence.

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* We respect gender and sexual diversity.


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