Hotlines and help portals for men*
Services | Provider | Link |
Echte Männer reden (Real Men Talk) – network with contact details of expert advisors in Germany | SKM Bundesverband (SKM Federal Association) | |
Hilfe-Portal Sexueller Missbrauch (Help Portal Sexual Abuse) 0800 22 55 530 – Help and information portal on sexual violence in childhood and adolescence | UBSKM – Arbeitsstab des Unabhängigen Beauftragten für Fragen des sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs (Staff of the Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse) | |
Männerberatungsnetz (Men’s Advice Network) – Map on (almost) all topics – men* find exchange and advice | Bundesforum Männer (Federal Forum Men) – Interest Group for Boys, Men and Fathers | |
Männerbüro Mainz (Men’s Office Mainz) 0163-0801910 – Counselling from men for men | Mainzer Männerinitiative (Mainz Men’s Initiative) | |
Männerhilfetelefon (Men’s Help Phone ) 0800-1239900 – Hilfe bei Gewalt an Männern* | Cooperation between the federal states of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia | |
Männerkrisentelefon (Men’s Crisis Phone ) 01805-439 258 (14 ct/min) – Emergency call for partnership problems, victim experiences, work problems, burnout, etc. | eupax® gemeinnützige GmbH Detmold (eupax® non-profit GmbH Detmold) |
Mä – current listing of contacts to men’s groups nationwide | Frank Keil & Alexander Bentheim | |
Männerwohnhilfe Oldenburg (Men’s Housing Aid Oldenburg) 0162-878 30 13 – Crisis telephone for Oldenburg and the surrounding area | Männerwohnhilfe e.V. Oldenburg (Men’s Housing Aid Oldenburg) | |
Männerwohnhilfe Oldenburg (Men’s Housing Aid Oldenburg) 0162-878 30 13 – Crisis telephone for Oldenburg and the surrounding area | Männerwohnhilfe e.V. Oldenburg (Men’s Housing Aid Oldenburg) | |
ODABS – Online help database for victims of crime | Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, operated by the Centre for Criminology (KrimZ) and the Working Group of Victim Support in Germany (ado) | |
Opferhilfe Sachsen (Victim Support Saxony) – Online and chat advise | Opferhilfe Sachsen e.V. (Victim Support Saxony e.V.) | |
Weisser Ring – Online advice for victims of criminal offences | Weißer Ring e.V. | |
* We respect gender and sexual diversity.