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Hotlines and help portals for men*

Services Provider Link
Echte Männer reden (Real Men Talk) – network with contact details of expert advisors in Germany SKM Bundesverband (SKM Federal Association) www.echte-maenner-reden.de
Hilfe-Portal Sexueller Missbrauch (Help Portal Sexual Abuse) 0800 22 55 530 – Help and information portal on sexual violence in childhood and adolescence UBSKM – Arbeitsstab des Unabhängigen Beauftragten für Fragen des sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs (Staff of the Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse) www.hilfe-portal-missbrauch.de
Männerberatungsnetz (Men’s Advice Network) – Map on (almost) all topics – men* find exchange and advice Bundesforum Männer (Federal Forum Men) – Interest Group for Boys, Men and Fathers www.maennerberatungsnetz.de
Männerbüro Mainz (Men’s Office Mainz) 0163-0801910 – Counselling from men for men Mainzer Männerinitiative (Mainz Men’s Initiative) www.mmi-mainz.de
Männerhilfetelefon (Men’s Help Phone ) 0800-1239900 – Hilfe bei Gewalt an Männern* Cooperation between the federal states of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia www.maennerhilfetelefon.de
Männerkrisentelefon (Men’s Crisis Phone ) 01805-439 258 (14 ct/min) – Emergency call for partnership problems, victim experiences, work problems, burnout, etc. eupax® gemeinnützige GmbH Detmold (eupax® non-profit GmbH Detmold)



Männerwege.de – current listing of contacts to men’s groups nationwide Frank Keil & Alexander Bentheim www.maennerwege.de/maennergruppen-suchen-finden/
Männerwohnhilfe Oldenburg (Men’s Housing Aid Oldenburg) 0162-878 30 13 – Crisis telephone for Oldenburg and the surrounding area Männerwohnhilfe e.V. Oldenburg (Men’s Housing Aid Oldenburg) www.maennerwohnhilfe.de
Männerwohnhilfe Oldenburg (Men’s Housing Aid Oldenburg) 0162-878 30 13 – Crisis telephone for Oldenburg and the surrounding area Männerwohnhilfe e.V. Oldenburg (Men’s Housing Aid Oldenburg) www.maennerwohnhilfe.de
ODABS – Online help database for victims of crime Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, operated by the Centre for Criminology (KrimZ) and the Working Group of Victim Support in Germany (ado) www.odabs.org
Opferhilfe Sachsen (Victim Support Saxony) – Online and chat advise Opferhilfe Sachsen e.V. (Victim Support Saxony e.V.) opferhilfe-sachsen.beranet.info
Weisser Ring – Online advice for victims of criminal offences Weißer Ring e.V. www.weisser-ring.de
* We respect gender and sexual diversity.
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